In the rapidly evolving industrial automation environment, the search for reliable, scalable, and efficient solutions is paramount. Enter FrameworX by Tatsoft, a comprehensive platform built on the robust Microsoft.NET framework, designed to revolutionize SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), HMI (Human-Machine Interface), and other industrial applications by offering a complete platform with unmatched extensibility that includes all the unified modules for one affordable price.  

We offer inherent connectivity to real-time devices, SQL and IIoT,  bridging your data gaps. Your applications can access this data allowing you to create event-driven, actionable solutions for decision making now. 

Explore the myriads of benefits of engineering solutions being developed, highlighting why this integration stands out in the industry. 

Seamless integration with Microsoft Ecosystem 

A distinct advantage of developing on .NET is its natural compatibility with Microsoft solutions. Most IT companies around the world rely on Microsoft technologies for their services. FrameworX can take advantage of this by providing built-in integration with a wide range of Microsoft products, including Azure, SQL Server, and Office 365. This seamless integration ensures that technical applications can easily interface with the existing IT infrastructure, streamlining operations and increasing productivity. 

Cross-platform capabilities with robust security 

Cross-platform compatibility is critical in today’s connected world. The multi-platform nature of .NET means that applications developed in this framework can run smoothly on Windows, Linux, and macOS. These functionalities are paired with additional security excellence, making .NET a more compelling choice than other cross-platform solutions. In industrial environments where security and reliability are non-negotiable, this feature provides peace of mind, ensuring critical systems are protected from vulnerabilities 

Support for multiple programming languages 

Another important advantage of .NET is support for programming languages such as C#, F#, and VB.NET. This flexibility allows developers to choose the best language for the needs of their specific application. Although we also support JavaScript, in terms of high-performance applications, compiled scripting languages result in faster deployment times and better resource utilization. These features make .NET a better choice for complex engineering solutions that require optimal performance. 

WEB Assembly adoption for real-time graphics 

WEB Assembly is a game-changer in the world of web development, enabling high-performance applications to run directly in the browser. FrameworX fully embraces WEB Assembly, enabling developers to build web applications with real-time graphics faster and more responsively than ever before, since the technology is much more compact and has better performance than other solutions. WebAssembly is also universally supported and hardware-independent and can run inside a container. 

This capability is especially valuable for SCADA and HMI applications, where real-time data visualization and communication are required. By leveraging WEB Assembly, FrameworX ensures that users can access incredible, real-time interactions through their web browser. 

Greater Stability for Critical Applications 

Stability and reliability are critical for industrial products, where downtime can lead to significant loss of productivity and financial losses. .NET is known for its robustness, which provides a solid foundation for mission-critical functions. Its security features and extensive testing program ensure applications are reliable and perform consistently in many environments. This is invaluable for industries such as Manufacturing, Energy and Transportation, providing a reliable platform for monitoring and controlling critical infrastructure in essential processes. 


The combination of FrameworX and .NET provides a powerful solution for developing industrial automation applications. With seamless integration into the Microsoft ecosystem, cross-platform capabilities, support for multiple programming languages, and the ability to leverage WEB Assembly capabilities, FrameworX on .NET stands out as a leading choice for SCADA, HMI, and other industrial applications. Embrace the future of industrial automation with FrameworX on .NET, and unlock new growth, reliability, and productivity in your applications.