Tatsoft and Canary Labs

A Partnership that Redefines Connectivity

Canary Historian Now Included with FrameworX or FactoryStudio

  • Ships with FrameworX & FactoryStudio 9.2 and up
  • Easy Install and Configuration
  • Logs and reads data to and from the Historian using native .NET APIs
  • .NET integration means robust performance, security, and functionality
  • Tightly integrated with Tatsoft Asset Modeling
  • Create Trends, Dashboards, and Advanced Data Applications with FrameworX Client Tools

A Commercial and technical Partnership

Higher Performance

Because we're using the same .NET API, connectivity is faster than ever!

More Security

We don't need to use webservices or other solutions, making the connection much more secure.

Works In Conjuction with SQL

You don’t have to replace one with the other – use both data sources to build your applications as necessary!

Store and Forward

Publish data directly from the field to Canary, as if it was a native historian!

Hot Stand-By

The system updates data automatically – when you publish new data, there’s no need to restart the system!

Local or Remote

The integration works seamlessly with both the Embedded Canary or remote Canary servers.

The beauty of this integration comes from it being at the .NET API level, because all the features in FrameworX are readily available to the data stored in Canary, as if it was a native tool.

- Marc Taccolini, Founder and CTO

Connect to your real-time devices!

Tatsoft includes nearly 70 native Communication Drivers in FrameworX including for most PLCs, OPC UA, MQTT, as well as the embedded Canary Historian.  There’s no need to create tags in FactoryStudio, you can access Canary Tags and View directly.  Tatsoft can create a protocol driver to most real-time data sources and we have an API toolkit so you can create your own if needed. 

Leverage your Data

Transform, visualize and analyze your data with FrameworX tools!

Complete - Powerful - Affordable

  • Unlimited Server Based Licensing
  • Redundant Servers at half Server price
  • FactoryStudio is Scalable by I/O and Clients
  • Includes Drivers, SQL, Reporting
  • Lower Cost Edge/Gateway Available
  • Other options available

Watch our full Webcast

Collect data from any FrameworX and FactoryStudio device driver to the embedded Canary Historian with a simple configuration. Once your time-series data is logged to the embedded Canary Historian you can access the data and build simple to complex applications using your familiar FactoryStudio tools.

Easily connect to Any Canary Server

Canary and Tatsoft share a common tag definition and asset modeling

In addition to the embedded Canary Historian, we also have a new built-in integration with the Canary System that is easy to use, high speed and extremely secure, as it leverages Canary’s .NET API. It connects at the core level, allowing you to publish and consume data, as well as use Canary’s tags and models.
You can define the data model in either Canary or Tatsoft, there’s no need to create it twice!


What is FrameworX and FactoryStudio?
FrameworX is the name of software platform, FactoryStudio is our flagship product built on FrameworX. Our FrameworX products are all based on the same platform and are scalable as Unlimited or scaled by I/O points and Clients.  Complete software framework to fit your application and budget. Call us to discuss your exact needs at +1 (855) 828-7638
Regarding permissions to read and write data to tags being historized in Canary, is that security management done on the FactoryStudio side? What about any other tag management, all in FactoryStudio?

Yes! Because the Canary works as a native historian, you can use all the tools we have to make connections securely – which user has access, which data will be allowed to go to Historian, etc. Besides Canary’s own security features, our own security tools will allow you to manage data. The beauty of this integration is that since it’s done on the .NET API level, almost anything can be done inside of FactoryStudio, so you rarely have to do anything inside of Canary.

Is that redundancy available with the Tatsoft Canary Historian?

Besides the built-in functionalities in Canary, we’ve also added  our own redundancy features. When you deploy a FactoryStudio project, you can use two redundant servers, and we have the hot stand-by scenario to switch which server is the active one, and that hot stand-by feature can publish data to one or two Canary Historian. So the FactoryStudio application can be redundant. Also, when you define those tag providers, we have the concept of private and back-up – we don’t need to have two live feeds, we have built-in in our configuration the possibility to have a secondary data-source.

Do you have unlimited clients, unlimited I/O points and unlimited developers licensing?

Yes, and unlimited means unlimited. (We also have pricing options for small I/O counts, such as an OEM might want.) Our flexible licensing options make us affordable for a wide variety of industrial applications.

Do you support SQL Databases?
FactoryStudio includes a full featured SQL database. It also provides seamless integration with any database including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, Microsoft Azure SQL and NoSQL data sources including OSISoft’s PI and Rockwell. There are no limits to connectivity!
Does this work on Edge devices?

Yes, but Canary Historian will need a Windows at the Edge. At Tatsoft we offer a FactoryStudio Edge/Gateway version, which you run without graphics, just as a data collector, that allows you to store and forward to the Canary Historian.

Do you really get 500 Historian Tags free?

Yes! Our Tatsoft Canary Historian comes with 500 Historian Tags – there’s no extra cost, it’s an extra offering that comes with our FrameworX 9.2 release!