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Below you’ll find the links to both .MSIX and .EXE versions of our product and benefits and constrains of each method, so you can select the one more suitable to your environment. For your first installation and product evaluation, we recommend using the .MSIX file.
Once you’ve downloaded, we recommend exploring the demos that will install automatically with the software. You can learn more about them at our Documentation Site.
* Access to all our Standard communication protocols
* MQTT Broker
* OPC Server
MSIX is a new Microsoft standard for installations, offering significantly faster installation times. However, the installation folder is predefined by the OS (under \Program Files\WindowsApps) and it is installed only for the current user. This method is preferred for engineering work.
- Windows 10, version 1709 or later
- Windows Server 2022 or later
For computers that do not support the MSIX standard, or when installing in production environments, such as factory-floor servers or data centers, it is preferable to have more control over the installation folder and to install for all users of the computer.
The traditional Setup.exe installation allows customization of the installation folder and installs the application for all users.
To create solutions to other operating platforms like Linux, .NET 8 is required.
If you receive a warning that .NET 8 is not available on your computer, it will not prevent you from configuring solutions targeting Windows only, but it will prevent multi-platform solutions.
To install the .NET 8, follow the link in the installer message, or you can find the .NET 8 Desktop Runtime installer from Microsoft here: Be sure to pick the version that matches your CPU architecture, which is likely x64. (And don’t pick the “SDK” or “.NET Runtime” or other versions – just the “.NET 8 Desktop Runtime“)
Start with the Brewery Tutorial
The Brewery Tutorial guides users through the concepts and steps for configuring a software platform for brewery plant operations. It covers creating and integrating Tags and Templates, defining Asset Models, connecting Devices for operation, designing Displays and Symbols for user interaction, and configuring Alarms for alerts.
The updated version for version 10 will take you through the full process of creating your first solution, from creation to deployment!