Displays and Symbols > User Controls > Configuring a BarChart
Configuring a BarChart
Double-click any BarChart object in the display to configure it. Table 19 describes the Bar Chart configuration.
Table 19: Bar Chart configuration 
Control Name
Defines a name for the control, so it can be accessed in the CodeBehind script. See Displays Code Behind.
Select the type of chart.
Data Source
Enter the dataset table or query to use for the chart.
Grid Lines
Click to select the color for the grid lines.
Click to select the color for the window background.
Click to select the color for the labels.
Show Horizontal Labels 45°
Select to angle the labels below each bar at 45°.
Show value over bar
Select to display the bar value above the bar.
Data Items
For each column in the data source that you want to include, select a bar and configure the settings to the right of the list (described below). The chart displays a bar for each row.
Name of the column in the database.
Enter a tag to define the minimum value.
Enter a tag to define the maximum value.
Click to select the color for the data item.