Devices and Interfaces > Diagnostics tools > Module Information
Module Information
The Module Information contains information about the operation of the modules. To choose the module Devices and a specific channel, we have several information about the functioning of the communication channel.
A very important section is the "Read Groups Information" because it provides information about the virtual reading groups, run time of each item, quantities of readings and readings that have failed, and also reports on the code and date/time of the last error.
This is the typical steps when using the Module Information:
1. Go to Read Groups Information, to look at the number Success and Failed communication, in order to quickly identify the communication blocks.
2. If you have systematic error in all blocks, or status codes with negative values, typically it means you cannot access the remote device. Verify if the node address is right.
3. If you have one or another block with systematic error, verify the tags and addresses connected with that block. Use the TraceWindow with Device information to collect information about those communication errors.
4. For some protocols, such as OPC, the Discarded items will show the wrong addresses in the configuration.
When running Enterprise application in TEST mode, keep in mind that in this mode, we only READ from the field devices, even you have a configuration to write to field.
It is very useful to run the application with ONLINE CONFIGURATION enabled, so you don’t need to start and stop the driver when modifying the configuration. You can modify PLC addresses, AccessTypes and most of the application and see in real-time the results on your running application. You can use the Startup-Window or the PropertyWatch to start and stop only one module, like the Devices, instead of restarting all the runtime system.