Included Protocols
The following communication protocols are included on the standard product distribution: Listed by alphabetical order
•Automation Direction, KOYO, using ECOM protocol
•Barcode Reader ASC
•CTC Binary 5300 model
•Mitsubishi - Series Q
•Modbus - TCP/IP and RS-232, RTU and ASC, modbus master protocol
•Modbus Slave - TCP/IP and RS-232, RTU and ASC, modbus slave protocol
•OPC DA Client - OPC client access to local or remote servers
•OPC UA Client
•Rockwell/AB ControlLogix
•Rockwell / AB MicroLogix
•Rockwell/AB DF1 Ethernet
•Siemens S7 Protocol
•TRemoteClient - FactoryStudio to FactoryStudio communication
•TwinCAT - Beckhoff ADS interface
•WITS Level Pason
•WITS Level passive