Add new values to tag historian

Namespace: T.Toolkit
Assembly: T.Toolkit (in T.Toolkit.dll)

Public Shared Function AddValuesToTagHistorian( _ 
ByVal tagNames As String(), _ 
ByVal values As IList(Of Double)(), _ 
ByVal qualities As IList(Of Integer)(), _ 
ByVal timestamps As IList(Of Date)() _ 
) As Boolean()
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public static bool[] AddValuesToTagHistorian( 
string[] tagNames
IList<double>[] values
IList<int>[] qualities
IList<DateTime>[] timestamps 
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Type: string[]

Array containg objects to insert

Type: IList<double>[]

Array containg list of values to insert to each object

Type: IList<int>[]

Array containg list of qualities to insert to each object

Type: IList<DateTime>[]

Array containg list of timestamps in localtime to insert

Return Value

Type: bool[]

Array containg flags indicating success or error to each object

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7