Class for Script operation.

Namespace: T.Modules.Script
Assembly: T.Modules (in T.Modules.dll)

Public Class ModuleScript 
Inherits ListObj
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public class ModuleScript : ListObj
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
Name Description
Public constructor ModuleScript(RunObj, int) Construct an instance of this class
Name Description
Public property Class Access to Script Class objects. Syntax: Script.Class.ClassName
Public property DisableMultiThreading Flag to disable the script multi threading execution.
Public property Expression Access to ScriptExpression objects.
Public property IsStarted Flag indicating whether Dataset module was full started
Public property PreloadedTags Flag to indicate wheter initial tags already was preloaded
Public property StartCounter Counter while starting module
Public property Task Access to ScriptTask objects. Syntax: Script.Task.TaskName
Name Description
Public method GetTaskEventCount() Return number of events to be executed

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7