Class for Server operation.

Namespace: T.Modules.RemoteAssets
Assembly: T.Modules (in T.Modules.dll)

Public Class ModuleRemoteAssets 
Inherits ListObj
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public class ModuleRemoteAssets : ListObj
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Name Description
Public constructor ModuleRemoteAssets(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public method GetChildrenElements(string, bool, bool, bool) Gets the children elements
Public method GetElementType(string) Get an element type
Public method GetRegisteredAssets() Get the registered assets
Public method RefreshElements() Refresh elements
Public method RegisterAssets(string[], string[], bool, bool) Register an Asset list, creating a bind between Asset and TagName
Public method UnregisterAllAssets(bool) Unregister all Assets, closing the bind between Asset and TagName
Public method UnregisterAssets(string[], bool) Unregister an Asset list closing the bind between Asset and TagName

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7