Class for DatasetTable operation.

Namespace: T.Modules.DataSet
Assembly: T.Modules (in T.Modules.dll)

Public Class DatasetTable 
Inherits ListObj 
Implements IDatasetTable
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public class DatasetTable : ListObj
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Name Description
Public constructor DatasetTable(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public property Access Access Type of the DatasetTable.
Public property AsyncContents Contains the TDataTable resulting from one of the asynchronous commands, such as Select or Update.
Public property Category ReadOnly property with categories configured on DatasetQuery object.
Public property Completed The value of this property is incremented when an asynchronous operation is concluded.
Public property CursorIndex Defines the current row position in the DatasetTable.
Public property DB Gets the DB configured in EditDatasetsTables
Public property Delete Sends an asynchronous Delete command when the value is changed.
Public property DeleteExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Delete command is completed.
Public property Description Gets the description of the DatasetTable.
Public property Disable Disables the commands to the DatasetTable when the value is greater than zero.
Public property Id Object ID (Internal Use).
Public property Insert Sends an asynchronous Insert command when the value is changed.
Public property InsertExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Insert command is completed.
Public property LastStatus Gets the status of the last (most recent) asynchronous operation.
Public property LastStatusMessage Gets the status message of the last (most recent) asynchronous operation, where an empty string signifies success.
Public property Level ReadOnly property with levels configured on DatasetTable object.
Public property LocalContents Contains the TDataTable resulting from one of the synchronous commands, such as SelectCommand or UpdateCommand.
Public property Mapping Gets the mapping of the DataTable columns with the Tags.
Public property MappingDateTime Mapping DateTime Mode: (0-Local, 1-UTC)
Public property Next Sends an asynchronous Next command when the value is changed.
Public property NextExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Next command is completed.
Public property RowCount Gets the total number of rows in the DatasetTable.
Public property Select Sends an asynchronous Select command when the value is changed.
Public property SelectExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Select command is completed.
Public property TableName Gets the name of the DataTable.
Public property Update Sends an asynchronous Update command when the value is changed.
Public property UpdateExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Update command is completed.
Public property WhereCondition Defines the Where condition for the DatasetTable.
Name Description
Public method BeginSelectCommand(AsyncCallback, object) Begin executing an asynchronous Select command on the DatasetTable
Public method DeleteCommand() Deletes the current row of the DatasetTable.
Public method DeleteCommandWithStatus(out string) Deletes the current row of the DatasetTable and provides a status message.
Public method EndSelectCommand(IAsyncResult, out string) End executing an asynchronous Select command on the DatasetTable
Public method InsertCommand() Inserts the values from the tags configured in the mapping column into the DatasetTable at the position indicated by the CursorIndex property.
Public method InsertCommandWithStatus(out string) Inserts the values from the tags configured in the mapping column into the DatasetTable at the position indicated by the CursorIndex property, and provides a status message.
Public method NextCommand() Executes a synchronous Next command that increments the value of the CursorIndex property.
Public method NextCommandWithStatus(out string) Executes a synchronous Next command that increments the value of the CursorIndex property, and provides a status message.
Public method ReceiveDeleteCommand(object, RuntimeEventArgs) Receive event of delete command
Public method ReplaceAllContents(DataTable) Replace all contents of datatable on database. The current datatable is deleted and the new datatable is inserted.
Public method ReplaceAllContentsWithStatus(DataTable, out int, out string) Replace all contents of datatable on database. The current datatable is deleted and the new datatable is inserted.
Public method SelectCommand() Executes a synchronous Select command on the DatasetTable.
Public method SelectCommandWithStatus(out int, out string) Executes a synchronous Select command on the DatasetTable, and provides status information.
Public method UpdateCommand() Updates the current row of the DatasetTable with the values from the tags configured in the mapping column.
Public method UpdateCommandWithStatus(out int, out string) Updates the current row of the DatasetTable with the values from the tags configured in the mapping column, and provides status information.
Public method UpdateFromDataTable(DataTable, bool) Update all contents of datatable on database. The current datatable is updated with data of new datatable.
Public method UpdateFromDataTableWithStatus(DataTable, out int, out string, bool) Update all contents of datatable on database. The current datatable is updated with data of new datatable.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7