Information and Version Control
The Info environment provides access to current Project configuration details
Verifying Project Information
FactoryStudio helps you to gather and store information about your Project. In managing the versions of projects you may be developing, installing, commissioning, or maintaining, it’s important to make certain you know the versions of the software, license, project, and other settings and information.
The Project tab displays this information and allows you to change the information if needed. Some of these fields are also available during runtime if needed.
Tracking Project Changes
A key feature in FactoryStudio is the ability to track changes in the project configuration. This helps in verifying project configurations in various stages of development and implementation. This is important because you need to be able to verify which version of a project you are using when developing enhancements and working through diagnostics.
FactoryStudio tracks changes to every aspect of the project configuration. Table names displayed, and indication is made where changes have occurred. Double-clicking on any line in the table brings you to the editor which generated in the change.
The Changes tab provides information regarding the specific module where changes occurred, the specific change that was made, the specific project build in which the change occurred, as well as the date of the change and any arbitrary comments made by the user.
The Releases tab provides information regarding the date of when a project was published, who published it, and the project build number when published.
Adding and sharing project notes
Many times during the development and implementation of a project, developers need to be able to leave notes for themselves, or for others collaborating on the project.
Within FactoryStudio, that can be done by using the Notes utility.
Notes created are of a "Post-It"-type, and are viewable by all Project design team members. Notes are visible on the desktop when editing the Project.
License Information
The License tab presents information regarding the currently installed license for FactoryStudio.
This information will be helpful if you contact us for technical support, and when it is time to update to a new revision.