Technical Overview > FactoryStudio Modules > Scripts and .NET
Scripts and .NET
FactoryStudio fully supports the Microsoft .NET Framework in a built-in integrated environment. Inside the FactoryStudio framework architecture you can compile, cross-reference the objects, and access directly (using the Intellisense) the .NET classes and your project objects, including Alarms, Reports and Communication Nodes.
.NET languages provide a more powerful and safe option when compared with VBA or VBScript, which are interpreted language and many errors can only be found when running your project. With VBA or VBScript in production often you have runtime errors with undesirable consequences. The managed environment of the Microsoft .Net Framework provides support for finding and recovering from exceptions, thus providing a highly reliable environment for the runtime system. Project scripts and business logic can be written in C# or VB.NET. A complete debugging system, with breakpoints, step execution, online code changes while debugging is included. There is also a a built-in language converter that allows you to switch the created code dynamically between the C# and VB.NET languages.
Optimization and advanced control
Although we use the name “script” to present a familiar nomenclature to new users, this module isFactoryStudio NET engine, supporting multi-threading and advanced programming. Besides the User Interface logics, it can work as a process optimization module, performing the calculation of mathematical models in a high-performance and secure environment. The development of these modules will just focus on algorithms and processes, since the interfaces for reading values and historic data, firing events and writing values are standard functions and components already supplied by FactoryStudio
See more at Scripts and .NET Framework