Technical Overview > FactoryStudio Modules > Security and Redundancy
Security and Redundancy
In FactoryStudio, Security is used to determine which Users have access to various components of the project. These include the ability to change Tag values, execute commands, open Displays, generate Reports, and more.
User Sessions can be controlled so that the User is automatically logged out of the system based on inactivity, duration of the system, or both.
Both Alarm and Security online conditions are automatically replicated on redundant applications.
Together with the Alarm and Event features, the Security tools provide all the tools necessary to create FDA-CFR 21 Part 11 compliant applications.

See more at Security and Users
FactoryStudio automatically initializes and continues to synchronize the primary and secondary server.

The Device communication channels are also easily setup for redundant physical networks and redundant PLC nodes.

Redundant or stand-alone server allow switching project versions, without stopping service for the connected clients and keeping the real-time database loaded.

To starts the redundancy only insert the IP of the Secondary Server and the server command will configure the TStartup.exe automatically to use Redundancy.