Historian and Data Logging > Historian Tables Schema
Historian Tables Schema
The historian tables contain the following columns:
UTCTimeStamp_Ticks—Date and time in Universal Time for that row in 64-bit .NET ticks. The value of this property is the number of 100-nanosecond (1/10th of a millisecond) intervals that have elapsed since 12:00 A.M., January 1, 0001. This is a new date/time standard used by the Microsoft .NET framework.
LogType—Auxiliary column to show when the row was inserted: 0=on startup, 1=normal logging, 2=on shutdown.
TagName—Column automatically created using the name of tag as the column title. It stores the data value using double precision.
_TagName_Q—Column automatically created for the quality of the data, using the OPC quality specification.
Typically you can associate up to 200 tags with each historian table, but that number is dependent on how many columns your target Database allows. The tags should be defined in the same table when they have similar storing rates and process dynamic, as you need to save one tag in the table, you need to save the entire row.