Displays and Symbols > Dynamics and Animations > Text I/O dynamic
Text I/O dynamic
Table 6: Text I/O Dynamic configuration  
Text input and text output Dynamic. If text is a tag value or a property, it must be between curly brackets. For example: {Tag.analogInt1}
Binding Mode
Associate an object with a tag:
TwoWay—Input and output allowed.
InputOnly—Only input allowed (the current tag value is not shown, but new values can be entered).
OutputOnly—Only output allowed.
Object or Expression
Object (input) or Expression (output only) connected with the Text Box.
The value shown in design mode:
ShowObjectNames—The content of the text field is shown exactly as it is.
ShowPlaceHolders—The characters ### are shown, the number of characters is defined by the MaxLength field.
Input Range
Defines the numeric range for the entered value.
Defines the maximum number of characters.