Creating the shortcut
Go to Start > All Programs, and right-click the Startup folder, and select Open.
1. In the Startup folder, right-click and select New > Shortcut.
2. In the Create Shortcut window, paste into the field that displays.
3. If you are not using redundancy, delete the redundancy part of the text.
Note: In the examples below, be sure to change the installation path and version of the FactoryStudio to the installation on your computer.
4. Type or paste the full command line, examples: "C:\Program Files\Studio\fs-2012.1\TStartup.exe" /project:"C:\Studio Projects\Project1.tproj"
5. Click Next.
6. Enter a name for the shortcut.
7. Click Finish.
•When you restart the computer next, the project will start automatically.