Alarm Database and Table Schema
The database used to store the Alarms is defined in Edit-Datasets-DBs by the database connection object with the name AlarmHistorian.
By default, when a new project is created, the AlarmHistorian is defined to use the Tatsoft built-in embedded SQL database TatsoftDB.
Caution: The TatsoftDB database should be used for databases up to 10GB. If it is expected to create more than 10GB, you should define another SQL for Tag Historian Database.
In order to define another Database to store the Alarm Historian database, you just need to create a new database connection, as explained on
Configuring Database Connections, and name it AlarmHistorian.
Tip: The system does not allow duplicated names, so to create a DB connection with name
AlarmHistorian you must rename or delete the existing row using that name.
The Alarm Module automatically creates the required tables in the database. An example of table schema is available opening any file with extension .TAlarm, created when running application using the default TatsoftDB as the alarm logging database.