Alarms, Events and AuditTrail > Configuring Alarm Groups
Configuring Alarm Groups
Alarm groups let you configure settings for what happens when an alarm occurs. Use alarm groups to configure common settings for use with multiple alarm events. The group settings determine such things as whether an acknowledgment is required, whether a sound plays, what is logged, and how alarms display.
FactoryStudio comes with a few predefined alarm groups that you can use, or you can create your own.
Define the Group name in EditAlarmGroups where the Alarm item behavior is specified.
The pre-defined Groups are:
Critical (Critical Messages that require acknowledgment)
AuditTrail (System Events log)
Warning (Warning messages that do not require acknowledgment)
To configure alarm groups:
1. Go to Edit > Alarms > Groups.
2. Enter or select information, as needed.
Enter a name for the alarm group. The system lets you know if the name is not valid.
If required, the alarm stays in the alarm list until someone acknowledges the alarm by double-clicking it in the application.
Select the sound that will play when the alarm occurs.
Select List for the alarm to display in the alarm window in the application
Select when you want the alarm to be logged to the alarm historian:
None—Alarms are not logged.
Active—Log when alarm is active.
ActiveAck—Log when the alarm is active and acknowledged.
ActiveNorm—Log when the alarm returns to normal.
All—Log all of the above conditions.
Select the colors you want to use for each state:
Active—Configured alarm is in the alarm state.
Normalized—Configured alarm was in the alarm state, but is no longer in the alarm state and still needs to be acknowledged.
Acknowledged—Configured alarm has been acknowledged, but still is in the alarm state.
Defines a timeout to ack the alarm. If the alarm is not acknowledged after the specified time, the alarm becomes active again
If the alarm is not acknowledged after the specified time, the system acknowledges the alarm.
Enter a description of this alarm group.
[Other columns]
For definitions of other columns that are available in many tables, see Common Column Definitions.
3. Continue adding as many alarm groups as you need.
If needed, right-click a row to cut, copy, paste, or delete the row.
See the following sections related to the other alarm tabs:
Configuring Alarm Items