ServerStation Class

Class for Server operation.
Public Class ServerStation
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public class ServerStation
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Name Description
Public constructor ServerStation(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public property ComputerIP Gets the server's computer IP.
Public property ComputerName Gets the server's computer name.
Public property Date Gets the server's date.
Public property DateString Gets the server's date on string format.
Public property Day Gets the server's day of the month.
Public property DayOfWeek Gets the server's day of the week.
Public property DayOfYear Gets the server's day of the year.
Public property GCCollect Call GCCollect
Public property Hour Gets the hour component of the server's date .
Public property HttpAddress Gets the server's http address.
Public property IsRunningAsService Flag to indicate if Server is running as service.
Public property IsRunningOnDocker Flag to indicate if Server is running on docker.
Public property IsStarted Flag indicating whether Dataset module was full started
Public property IsTServerStartedByTStartup Flag to indicate if TServer is started by TStartup.
Public property IsTStartupStarted Flag to indicate if TStartup is started.
Public property Minute Gets the minute component of the server's date .
Public property Month Gets the month component of the server's date .
Public property Now Gets the server's local date and time offset.
Public property NumberOfTagPropertiesLoaded Number of tag properites (Value, Min, Max, etc.) load in memory
Public property NumberOfTagsLoaded Number of tags load in memory
Public property OSVersion Gets OS Version.
Public property Redundancy Gets reference to Retentive objects.
Public property ReloadAppDomain Reload app domains
Public property ResetStatistics Reset statistics of connections.
Public property Restart Gets or sets the server's restart state.
Public property Retentive Gets reference to Retentive objects.
Public property SaveDiagnostics Save diagnostics
Public property Second Gets the second component of the server's date .
Public property Shutdown Gets or sets the server's shutdown state.
Public property StartCounter Counter while starting module
Public property Startup Gets the server's startup state.
Public property SystemMonitor Gets reference to SystemMonitor objects.
Public property TStartupStartedTime Gets timestamp of TStartup start.
Public property Ticks Gets the number of ticks that represent the server's date and time.
Public property Time Gets the server's time of day.
Public property TimeMs Gets the server's time of day (including milliseconds).
Public property TimeSpan Gets a timespan object.
Public property Tomorrow Gets the server's tomorrow.
Public property UtcDay Gets the server's day of the month on UTC.
Public property Year Gets the year component of the server's date .
Public property Yesterday Gets the server's yesterday.
Name Description
Public method CloseConnection(string, string) Close connection
Public method GetAllConnections() Get all connections
Public method GetClientConnections() Get client connections
Public method GetComputerIP() Gets the server's computer IP.
Public method LoadSolutionVersion(string) Begin load selection version
Public method RunAndSaveDiagnostics(string) Save diagnostics to file
Public method ShutdownCommand() Shut downs

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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