ServerRedundancy Class

Class for Serveredundancy operation.
Public Class ServerRedundancy
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public class ServerRedundancy
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Name Description
Public constructor ServerRedundancy(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public property IsPrimary Gets the server's IsPrimary state.
Public property IsRedundancyEnabled Gets the server's IsRedundancyEnabled state.
Public property IsSecondary Gets the server's IsSecondary state.
Public property IsStandByActive Gets the server's IsStandByActive state.
Public property IsSwitchToPrimaryEnabled Gets the server's IsSwitchToPrimayEnabled state.
Public property LastSwitchTime Gets timestamp of LastSwitchTime start.
Public property LastSwithReason Gets the server's LastSwithReason used.
Public property PairStartedTime Gets timestamp of PairStartedTime start.
Public property PrimaryIP Gets the server's PrimaryIP used.
Public property PrimaryPort Gets the server's Primary Port used.
Public property RedundancyPendingObjects Gets number of redundancy pending objects to sync.
Public property SecondaryIP Gets the server's SecondaryIP used.
Public property SecondaryPort Gets the server's Secondary Port used.
Public property UpdateSolutionIPPathName String IP and pathname of source project used to update project.
Public property UpdateSolutionOnInactiveServer Flag used to indicate if project will be updated on inactive server.
Name Description
Public method ForceRedundancyRefreshValues() Force resend all objets to standby [Redundancy]
Public method SwitchToStandby() Begin switch to standby [Redundancy]

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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