ReportWebData Class

Class for ReportWebData operation.
Public Class ReportWebData 
Implements IReportWebDataCodeBehind
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public class ReportWebData : IReportWebDataCodeBehind
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Name Description
Public constructor ReportWebData(RunObj, int) Construct an instance of this class
Name Description
Public property Authorization Gets or sets the Authorization token to access the Rest API
Public property Category ReadOnly property with categories configured on Report object.
Public property Completed The value of this property is incremented when a Save or Load operation is concluded.
Public property ConfigContent Gets or sets the report config
Public property DefaultURL Gets or sets the complete url without resolved object names when definind the URL to use in Requests
Public property DefaultURLResolved Gets or sets the complete url with object names when definind the URL to use in Requests (client side property)
Public property Description Gets the ReportWebData Description configured in EditReportsWebData.
Public property Disable Disables the ReportWebData operations when the value is greater than zero.
Public property DocumentClient Report document created to client usage.
Public property Encoding Indicates the file format

JSON = 5

XML = 6

HTML = 7

Text = 8

Public property Headers Gets Headers response at Server execution
Public property HeadersClient Gets Headers response at Client execution.
Public property Id Object ID (Internal Use).
Public property LastStatus Gets or sets the status of the last ReportWebData processed.
Public property LastStatusMessage Gets or sets the status message of the last ReportWebData processed.
Public property Level ReadOnly property with levels configured on Report object.
Public property OpenExecuted Gets or sets the report item's OpenExecuted state.
Public property Padding Gets the report item's padding value.
Public property Save Property used to trigger the save report action.
Public property SaveExecuted Gets or sets the report item's SaveExecuted state.
Public property SaveFileName Gets or sets the complete path without resolved objects name used when saving the Report.
Public property SaveFileNameResolved Gets or sets the complete path with resolved objects name used when saving the Report .
Public property UseDatasetAsyncContents Flag to use DatasetAsyncContent on datatable grid report.
Name Description
Public method BeginGetRequestAsync(AsyncCallback, string) Begin executing an asynchronous Get Request
Public method BeginPostRequestAsync(AsyncCallback, string) Begin executing an asynchronous Post Request
Public method EndGetRequest(IAsyncResult, out int) End executing an asynchronous Get Request
Public method EndPostRequest(IAsyncResult) End executing an asynchronous Post Request
Public method GetRequestAsync() Performs an HTTP / HTTPS GET Request.  
Returns stauts, and output Get Request response.
Public method GetRequestWithStatusAsync(TRef<int>) Performs an HTTP / HTTPS GET Request.  
Returns Get Request response. If null or empty means it failed 
bool status: flag indicating success or failed 
string statusMessage: message with the status of the Get Request
Public method LoadCommandAsync() Loads the values of the tags configured in the Objects property from the file indicated by the FileName property.  
Returns Flag indicating success or fail
Public method LoadCommandWithStatusAsync(TRef<int>) Loads the values of the tags configured in the Objects property from the file indicated by the FileName property.


message with the status of the save command

Returns Flag indicating success or fail
Public method PostRequestAsync() Performs an HTTP / HTTPS POST Request.  
Returns flag indicating if request was successfull  
Public method SaveCommandAsync() Saves the selected report into the path indicated by the SaveFileName property.
Public method UpdateCommandAsync() UpdateCommand the selected document with the current value of the tags.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

In this article
