ModuleInfo Class

Class for Info operation.
Public Class ModuleInfo
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public class ModuleInfo
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Name Description
Public constructor ModuleInfo(RunObj, int) Construct an instance of this class
Name Description
Public property CategoryItem Provides access to CategoryItem objects.
Public property CurrentTotalAssets Number of assets created from TagProvider's
Public property ExecutionPath Gets execution path.
Public property HotStartup Flag to indicate if HotStartup is enabled.
Public property IsSyncModuleConnected Flag to indicate if Sync module is connected.
Public property LastInvalidSetValue Last invalid set value
Public property License Provides access to InfoLicense objects.
Public property Module Provides access to InfoModule objects.
Public property OnlineConfig Flag to indicate if onlineconfig is enabled.
Public property ProductVersion Current Product Version
Public property Profile integer of the execution profile.
Public property ProfileName integer of the execution profile.
Public property ScriptClasses Gets internal scriptclasses datatable.
Public property Settings Provides access to SolutionSettings objects.
Public property Solution Provides access to InfoProjectVersion objects.
Public property TestMode Flag to indicate if testmode is enabled.
Public property Types Gets internal types datatable.
Name Description
Public method GetExecutionFolder() Gets the execution folder
Public method GetExecutionPath() Gets the execution path
Public method GetProductPath() Gets the product path
Public method GetTypeDefinition(string) Gets type definition from table
Public method Trace(string) Trace messages to trace window tools
Public method Trace(string, eTraceType) Trace messages to trace window tools
Public method Trace(string, eTraceType, string, string, string) Trace messages to trace window tools

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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