ModuleHistorian Class

Class for Historian operation.
Public Class ModuleHistorian
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public class ModuleHistorian
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Name Description
Public constructor ModuleHistorian(RunObj, int) Construct an instance of this class
Name Description
Public property ArchiveLocation Runtime properties for ArchiveLocations Objects.
Public property ClearCache Clear cache
Public property DisableSaveToDatabase If true then data will not be stored in HistorianTable Dataset DB
Public property EnableCache Enable cache
Public property EventFrames Runtime properties for EventFrames Objects.
Public property IsDeleting Indicates if historian is deleting registers.
Public property IsSecondaryActive Indicates if secondary historian database is active.
Public property Item Runtime properties for HistorianTag Objects.
Public property MaxSamplesByTime Internal use
Public property ProcessingCompleted Indicates if historian custom processing is completed.
Public property Redundancy Runtime properties for HistorianRedundancy Object.
Public property Restart Flag to restart the historian module.
Public property StoreAndForward Runtime properties for HistorianStoreAndForward Object.
Public property Table Runtime properties for HistorianTable Objects.
Public property TimeFlushNormalizedTables Time in ms to flush normalized tables. Default is 5000 ms
Public property WorkingOnCacheMessage Internal use
Name Description
Public method GetNormalizedInfo(string[], out string[], out int[], out string[]) Get normalized info
Public method InvalidateCache(DataTable) Invalidate cache
Public method VerifyDBConnection() Verify and Reopen database connection

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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