DatasetQuery Class

Class for DatasetQuery operation.
Public Class DatasetQuery 
Implements IDatasetQuery
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public class DatasetQuery : IDatasetQuery
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Name Description
Public constructor DatasetQuery(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public property AsyncContents Contains the TDataTable that resulted from one of the asynchronous commands, such as Select or Next.
Public property Category ReadOnly property with categories configured to DatasetQuery object.
Public property Completed The value of this property is incremented when an asynchronous operation is concluded.
Public property CursorIndex Defines the current row position in the resulting DatasetTable.
Public property DB Gets the DB configured in EditDatasetsTables.
Public property DateTimeMode Mapping DateTime Mode: (0-Local, 1-UTC)
Public property Description Gets the description of the DatasetQuery.
Public property Disable Disables the commands to the DatasetQuery when the value is greater than zero.

0 = Enables the commands to the DatasetQuery

1 = Disables the commands to the DatasetQuery

Public property Execute Sends an asynchronous Execute command when the value is changed.
Public property ExecuteCompleted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Execute command is completed.
Public property Id Object ID (Internal Use).
Public property LastStatus Gets the status of the last (most recent) asynchronous operation.

zero = success

different than zero = error code

Public property LastStatusMessage Gets the status message of the last (most recent) asynchronous operation, where an empty string indicates success.
Public property Level ReadOnly property with levels configured to DatasetQuery object.
Public property LocalContents Contains the TDataTable that resulted from one of the sync commands, such as SelectCommand or NextCommand.
Public property Mapping Gets the mapping of the resulting DataTable columns with the Tags.
Public property Next Sends an asynchronous Next command when the value is changed.
Public property NextExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Next command is completed.
Public property RowCount Gets the total number of rows in the resulting DatasetTable.
Public property Select Sends an asynchronous Select command when the value is changed.
Public property SelectExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Select command is completed.
Public property SqlStatement Defines the SQL command to be executed.
Name Description
Public method BeginSelectCommandAsync(AsyncCallback) Begin executing an asynchronous Select command on the DatasetQuery
Public method EndSelectCommand(IAsyncResult) End executing an asynchronous Select command on the DatasetTable
Public method ExecuteCommandAsync() Execute an asynchronous command according to the SqlStatement
Public method NextCommandAsync() Executes a synchronous Next command that increments the value of the CursorIndex property.
Public method SelectCommandAsync() Executes a synchronous Select command, according to the SqlStatement.
Public method SelectCommandWithStatusAsync(TRef<int>) Executes an asynchronous Select command according to the SqlStatement, and displays status information.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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