DatasetFile Class

Class for DatasetFile operation.
Public Class DatasetFile 
Implements IDatasetFile
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public class DatasetFile : IDatasetFile
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Name Description
Public constructor DatasetFile(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public property Category ReadOnly property with categories configured to DatasetFile object.
Public property Completed The value of this property is incremented when an operation is concluded.
Public property Delete Sends an asynchronous Delete command when the value is changed.
Public property DeleteExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Delete command is completed.
Public property Description Gets the description of the configured DatasetFile.
Public property Disable Disables the commands to the DatasetFile when the value is greater than zero.

0 = Enables the commands to the DatasetFile

1 = Disables the commands to the DatasetFile

Public property FileName Complete path of the file that will be created or loaded.
Public property FileType
Public property Id Object ID (Internal Use).
Public property Initialize Sends an asynchronous Initialize command when the value is changed.
Public property LastStatus Gets the status of the last (most recent) asynchronous operation.

zero = success

different than zero = error code

Public property LastStatusMessage Gets the status message of the last (most recent) asynchronous operation.
Public property Level ReadOnly property with levels configured to DatasetFile.
Public property Load Sends an asynchronous Load command when the value is changed.
Public property LoadExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Load command is completed.
Public property Objects This property represents the configured objects to receive or send values to external file.
Public property Save Sends an asynchronous Save command when the value is changed.
Public property SaveExecuted The value of this property is changed when the asynchronous Save command is completed.
Public property XmlSchemaFile ReadOnly property with Xml Schema File configured on DatasetFile XML.
Public property XmlSchemaType ReadOnly property with Xml Schema Type configured on DatasetFile XML.
Name Description
Public method DeleteCommandAsync() Delete the values of the tags configured in the Objects property to the file indicated by the FileName property
Public method InitializeCommandAsync() Execute the method initialize command.
Public method LoadCommandAsync() Loads the values of the tags configured in the Objects property from the file indicated by the FileName property.
Public method SaveCommandAsync() Saves the values of the tags configured in the Objects property to the file indicated by the FileName property.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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