ClientStation Class

Client Station Runtime object
Public Class ClientStation
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public class ClientStation
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Name Description
Public constructor ClientStation(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public property AlarmBeepOff Gets or sets the client's beep off state.
Public property AutoScaleMargin Margin to be used in AutoScale of TTrendChart and TDrillingChart controls. Default is 2
Public property BackPage Toggles to back page.
Public property BlinkFast Gets the client's blink fast property. The blink fast property is a digital variable that toggles from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0, remaining 500 msec in each state.
Public property BlinkSlow Gets the client's blink slow property. The blink slow property is a digital variable that toggles from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0, remaining 250 msec in each state.
Public property ComputerIP Gets the computer IP.
Public property ComputerName Gets the computer name.
Public property ControlWithFocus Gets the object reference of control with focus
Public property CultureInfo Gets or sets the client's language selection.
Public property CurrentPage Gets the name of the client's page currently displayed.
Public property CurrentUser Gets the client's current user.
Public property Date Gets the client's date.
Public property DateTime Gets the client's date and time.
Public property Day Gets the client's day of the month.
Public property DayOfWeek Gets the client's day of the week.
Public property DayOfYear Gets the client's day of the year.
Public property DrillingChart Gets reference to DrillingChart objects.
Public property GCCollect Gets a timpespan of user inactivity.
Public property HistoryPages String array containg open pages. Max = 10 pages.
Public property HistoryPagesIndex Current index of HistoryPage.
Public property Hour Gets the hour component of the client's date.
Public property InputPassword Gets or sets the client's input password. This is an auxiliary variable used in the system default logon window.
Public property InputUserName Gets or sets the client's input user name. This is an auxiliary variable used in the system default logon window.
Public property IsBackButtonVisibleOnIOS Flag to indicate back button visible on iOS
Public property IsConnected Flag to indicate if client is connected with server.
Public property IsIPad Flag to indicate if is running on iPad
Public property IsIPhone Flag to indicate if is running on iPhone
Public property IsLocal Flag indicating whether client is local.
Public property IsRemote Flag indicating whether client is remote.
Public property IsSmartClient Flag to indicate if is running as TSmartClient
Public property IsSmartDevice Flag to indicate if is running on smart device
Public property IsSmartDevicePortrait Flag to indicate if is running on smart device Portrait
Public property IsStarted Flag indicating whether Dataset module was full started
Public property IsWebBrowser Gets the information if is running on web browser.
Public property LayoutName Gets the client's layout name.
Public property Localization Gets the dictionary name used on localization.
Public property LogonDateTime Gets the Logon timestamp.
Public property MaxCacheDisplays Gets and sets max number of displays in memory.
Public property Messaging Refrence to message queue
Public property Millisecond Gets the millisecond component of the client's date.
Public property Minute Gets the minute component of the client's date .
Public property Month Gets the month component of the client's date.
Public property NextPage Toggles to next page.
Public property Now Gets the client's local date and time offset.
Public property NumberOfTagPropertiesLoaded Number of tag properites (Value, Min, Max, etc.) load in memory
Public property NumberOfTagsLoaded Number of tags load in memory
Public property OnScreenKeyboard Gets or sets the client's on screen keyboard state.
Public property Parameters Gets initialization parameters
Public property PreloadedTags Flag to indicate wheter initial tags already was preloaded
Public property PreviousLayout Gets the client's previous layout name.
Public property PreviousPage Gets the client's previous page name.
Public property ReadOnly Flag indicating client can not write in server tags.
Public property RunAlwaysOnTop Flag to indicate to run always on top.
Public property Second Gets the second component of the client's date .
Public property SelectedPage Gets or sets the client's selected page name.
Public property ServerHttpAddress Gets the server's http address
Public property Shutdown Gets or sets the client's shutdown state.
Public property Simulation Gets and sets the client's simulation state.
Public property SimulationAnalog Gets the analog int simulation variable, which varies from 0 to 100 (in steps of 1); returns to 0 in one step and then repeats the same pattern (sawtooth waveform).
Public property SimulationDigital Gets the digital simulation variable, which toggles from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0, remaining 3 seconds in each state.
Public property SimulationDouble Gets the analog double simulation variable, which varies in steps from 0 to 100; returns in steps from 100 to 0, then repeats the same pattern.
Public property SolutionChanged Flag to indicate project changed.
Public property StartCounter Counter while starting module
Public property Startup Gets the client's startup state.
Public property StatusBarVisibleOnIOS Flag to indicate status bar visible on iOS.
Public property Theme Gets and sets the dictionary name used on theme
Public property Ticks Gets the number of ticks that represent the client's date and time.
Public property Time Gets the client's time of day.
Public property TimeMs Gets the client's time of day including milliseconds.
Public property TimeSpan Gets a timespan object.
Public property Tomorrow Gets the day component of the client's Tomorrow date .
Public property TooltipInitialShowDelay Gets or sets the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
Public property TooltipOptions Tooltip options to be displayed when mouse is over control
Public property TrendChart Gets reference to TrendChart objects.
Public property Uid Gets the Uid information
Public property Units Gets and sets the dictionary name used on display units.
Public property UserInactivity Gets a timpespan of user inactivity.
Public property UserName Gets the client's user name
Public property UtcNow Gets the UTC date and time offset.
Public property Year Gets the year component of the client's date.
Public property Yesterday Gets the day component of the client's Yesterday date.
Name Description
Public method AddDisplayInCacheList(string) Get string array with tag list of a display
Public method ChangeUserPasswordAsync(string, string, string) Change password of runtime users
Public method CloseDisplay(string) Begin close display
Public method GetCursorX() Gets the X cursor coordinates.
Public method GetCursorX(bool) Gets the X cursor coordinates.
Public method GetCursorY() Gets the Y cursor coordinates.
Public method GetCursorY(bool) Gets the Y cursor coordinates.
Public method GetPasswordHintAsync(string) Get password hint
Public method GetTDisplay(string) Gets instance of a specific display
Public method GetTDisplays() Gets list of opened displays
Public method IsDisplayOpen(string) Check if display is open
Public method IsDisplayOpeningExecuted(string) Check if DisplayOpening method already executed
Public method Locale(string) Returns localization text
Public method LogOn() Open display LogOn
Public method LogOnAsync(string, string) Log on
Public method LogOnGuestAsync() Log on as guest
Public method NewPopup(string, params object[]) Begin open new popup. If display already is open then a new instance will be open
Public method OpenDisplay(string) Open display
Public method OpenDisplay(string, params object[]) Open display with optional parameters
Public method OpenDisplayAtIndex(string, int) Begin open display at z-order list of displays. Current display is closed.
Public method OpenLayout(string) Begin open layout
Public method OpenLayout(string, string) Begin open layout
Public method OpenPreviousPage() Open previous page
Public method OpenQuickNote(string, string, bool, double, double) Open quick popup note
Public method PrintDisplay(string, bool) Begin print display
Public method PrintDisplayDefaultPrinter(string, int) Begin print display using default printer
Public method PrintLayout() Begin print current layout
Public method PrintLayoutDefaultPrinter(int) Begin print current layout
Public method PrintScreenDefaultPrinter(int) Print desktop using default printer
Public method SaveDisplayAsImageFile(string, string) Save display to file. Display must be opened
Public method SaveDisplayAsPngFile(string, string) Save display to file. Display must be opened
Public method SaveLayoutAsImageFile(string) Sabe current layout to file
Public method SaveScreenAsImageFile(string) Save desktop to file
Public method SetBlockedUserAsync(string, bool) Block or unblock runtime user.
Public method SetDeletedUserAsync(string, bool) Set flag Deleted of runtime user. This method does not remove user in runtime database.
Public method SetLocalization(string) Set new dicationry name
Public method SetMainWindowSize(double, double) Set main window size
Public method SwitchToStandby() Switches the Server to Standby mode.
Name Description
Public enumeration e Enum containg list of IDs of runtime objects

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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