ModuleAlarm Class

Class for Alarm operation.
Public Class ModuleAlarm
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public class ModuleAlarm
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Name Description
Public constructor ModuleAlarm(RunObj, int) Construct an instance of this class
Name Description
Public property AckAll Acknowledge all alarm items that belong to this group.
Public property AckAllWithCommentsInternal String comment used when AckAll with comment operation is executed.
Public property ActiveUnAckCount Get the number of Unacknowledge Alarms.
Public property Area Provides access to AlarmArea objects.
Public property BeepState Flag to indicate the beep state. This flag can be changed to disable the beep.
Public property BeepValue Flag to indicate the beep value.
Public property CurrentShift Current alarm limit shift that select the limit that will be used.
Public property DisableSaveToDatabase If true then alarms will not be stored in Dataset DB
Public property ErrorCount Error count when storing alarm item
Public property GlobalSettings Provides access to GlobalSettings objects.
Public property Group Provides access to AlarmGroup objects.
Public property IsAlarmEventsInOverflow ReadOnly flag to indicate alarm or event overflow.
Public property IsNotifySync Flag indicating whether notification method will be called immediately when alarm occurs.
Public property IsSecondaryActive Flag the indicate the secondary alarm database status.
Public property Item Provides access to AlarmItem objects.
Public property LastHistorianTimestampTicks Timespamp tick of last alarm item stored.
Public property LastHistoricID ID of last alarm item stored.
Public property LastStoredErrorMessage Last error message when an alarm item was stored.
Public property LastStoredTimeStamp Timestamp when last alarm item was stored.
Public property LastTickAdded Timespamp tick of last alarm item store operation.
Public property PriorityItem Return the highest priority Alarm Item of an AlarmGroup.
Public property QueryActive Current datatable with active alarm objects.
Public property Redundancy Provides access to Alarm Redundancy object.
Public property Restart Flag to force an alarm module restart. A toggle on this flag to execute the operation.
Public property StoreAndForward Provides access to StoreAndForward object.
Public property SuccessCount Success count when storing alarm item
Public property TotalCount Get the number of Active Alarms.
Public property UnAckCount Get the number of Unacknowledge Alarms.
Public property UserName Current username that is related with alarm item.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

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