AlarmsGlobalSettings Class

Audit trail configuration objects
Public Class AlarmsGlobalSettings
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public class AlarmsGlobalSettings
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Name Description
Public constructor AlarmsGlobalSettings(RunObj, int) Construct the instance
Name Description
Public property AuditTrail Provides access to AlarmAuditTrail objects.
Public property EnableAckThirdStatus ReadOnly flag to indicate the alarm Ack has additional ack pending status
Public property EnableLimitsByShift ReadOnly flag to indicate the alarm limits shift execution.
Public property IgnoreAlarmsDuringTimeDeadband If true then any alarm is ignored during initial disable time.
Public property InitialDisableTime The alarm module execution will be started after this time.
Public property LifeTime Number of days that history will be available to access.
Public property LogUserFullName Flag to indicate that User FullName option will be used to save current name.
Public property PriorityOrder Set Order for Priority Property 0 or 1  
0 - ascending order (default behavior)  
1 - descending order (low number means bigger priority)
Public property UpdateValueOnNormOrAck Flag indicating whether Value should be updated when saving alarm in database (normalize or ack). Default is true

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6.2, 4.7

In this article
